
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Bald Mountain Fire Tower Christmas Ornament

Belatedly, just discovered that the Town of Webb Historical Association in Old Forge offers beautiful Christmas ornaments depicting the Fire Tower on Bald Mountain. give them a call for next year - (315) 369 - 3838 or better yet, stop in at the Goodsell Memorial Museum, 2993 Main Street in Old Forge.

The Poet on Green Lake

Just discovered this wonderful hiking blogspot - that features Mt. Rainier hiking information (I hiked Ranier in 2001)...
In it, a poetess is featured who set up a table for a month of Sundays... encouraging those who ran/jogged, or sauntered the Green Lake in Seattle to contribute poetry.
Mimi hikes four miles each way to and from her post, by the way.

Perhaps one of us should set up such a table atop one of our local peaks? Thoughts?

Hoarfrost atop Rocky and Bald - Christmas Hikes