
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bubble'd Well-Wishes From Atop Rocky Mountain

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Jam Session - Adirondack-style (a littly campy, in other words)

One of the things I am looking forward to this year is promoting the work of Pamme (pronounced "Pammie") Swan, an Adirondack folksinger. She recorded this in my office/studio last night - late. In her jammies, actually. So this was truly a "jam" session, yes? Give the phrase "jammie with pammie" more meaning, somehow! Check out her website, and if you want to book her for a special event, hey, let me know! She is currently writing up a storm, and has on her agenda the composition of a song honoring Anne LaBastille, whose book is mentioned below. Ann, I told you that we would be having words!

Still shot from video... oh, my

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while trying to figure out how to post a video of the Bubble Prayers..
this still shot was taken from the live video of the bubble prayers...
and - my ... DOUBLE CLICK on the image...
it shows movement...
apart from me and the prayers I winged Jamie's way.
It is stunning... and seems to capture the SPIRIT of the place and the event...
you can actually SEE movement in this shot.. movement...
that I was unable to experience while
offering the bubble prayers on her behalf.
No, I did not doctor this photo. Don't have time, for one thing.
I don't mean to get all mystical here...
I have really become quite the realist (thank you, 9/11/2001)
but there is something going on in this world, beyond which we experience with the naked eye -
or exposed heart... that is undefinable, and should remain so.
but it is there...

Bubble Prayers From Rocky Mountain, Inlet, NY

A grey walk to the top of Rocky Mountain to complete a mission, and engage in yet one more.
Having just made sand angels on the shores of the Pacific -
it was time to come back and send angel prayers to Jamie (see below) from atop Rocky Mountain. Andy, pictured - had just launched himself off my nose while I was making this angel.
I was still rubbing my sore nose while taking this shot, atop Rocky.
We then proceeded to launch Bubble Prayers! I am praying alot for Jamie, who is preparing for bone marrow transplant from hospital in Rochester, NY.