
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Still shot from video... oh, my

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while trying to figure out how to post a video of the Bubble Prayers..
this still shot was taken from the live video of the bubble prayers...
and - my ... DOUBLE CLICK on the image...
it shows movement...
apart from me and the prayers I winged Jamie's way.
It is stunning... and seems to capture the SPIRIT of the place and the event...
you can actually SEE movement in this shot.. movement...
that I was unable to experience while
offering the bubble prayers on her behalf.
No, I did not doctor this photo. Don't have time, for one thing.
I don't mean to get all mystical here...
I have really become quite the realist (thank you, 9/11/2001)
but there is something going on in this world, beyond which we experience with the naked eye -
or exposed heart... that is undefinable, and should remain so.
but it is there...