
Monday, December 3, 2007

Spread good vibes.

Please email stories or photos about your favorite outdoor activity or experience here in the central Adirondacks!
Love to share them with others (especially my niece, Jamie - in hospital in Rochester, NY)
Write Thanks a bunch.

Leave Only Footprints - Take Only Memories

I heartily ascribe to the wisdom
"Leave Only Footprints - Take Only Memories"

However, like anything - there can be wonderful exceptions.
Last fall, I came upon this beautiful bouquet left behind in the crotch of a tree half way up Bald Mountain.
It has left a fine footprint upon my memory,
and warms me this cold December night.
I was feeling rather lonely until I came upon this photo again...
a gift.
Thought I'd pass it along...
(it IS December, after all!)
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