
Thursday, January 17, 2008

On halfway measures

Jokingly, I had told a friend I was going to start a blog for people who climbed halfway up all the 46ers. Enough already! Say I! Even us alpha women need permission to forgo "going all the way" and "giving it all you've got". We are driven. Driven to succeed. Driven to have, do, eat, shit... do everything to the max.
Give it a rest! Say I!
Half a mountain's better than no mountain!
Half way is better than "NO WAY".
. . . oh, birdseed! . . . .

For some things, half is not whole.
I shall practice
giving myself over to tasks that are difficult.
Balancing my checkbook? Nah.
Flossing regularly? Nah.
Living with integrity?
mmmmm . . .
Full throttle.
And I shall practice it... by climbing.
All the way.
here I come....
mumbling, bumbling, bellyaching.