12 miles of skiing... from Boonville to Pixley Falls State Park.
Wow... these trails are maintained with a double track - and everyone from aged grandmas to tiny tots were out enjoying the course.
I can't help but reflect on how easy it is to follow a track already laid out, as compared to bushwacking through the wilderness, which is how I normally travel emotionally. I will post a few pics of the falls and hope to go back there to ski again soon.
The trails follow an aged canal system - I look forward to reading more about the history of the area. Returned.... wanting to read poetry - and stumbled upon an article in Ploughshares about the work of Elizabeth Bishop, whose work I had not read in a few years. The piece was called "The Art Of Changing Your Mind"... google it if you are a poetry fan.
Pre-set cross country trails are not necessarily helpful for practicing this artform... instead they provide relief from the need to make any decisions at all. For this gal, who limits herself to three decisions a day, at most, choosing the Brea Trails on a day of rest (Sunday) made sense.